Temple Raid!
Written by Frozen Badger. Inspired by the Iron Badger illustration of the same name.
Copyright © 2005 by Frozen Badger, all rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution of this work by any means without the expressed written permission of the author, or hotlinking from another website without the expressed written permission of the author and BondoFox, is expressly forbidden. Similarity to any person, living or dead, is coincidental.
This story contains violence, slavery, bondage and discipline, and instances of graphic sex - some of which is of a non-consensual and violent. If material of this nature offends you, please don’t read it.
Chapter Two
One of the pirates swinging an ax gave a startled cry as the door gave slightly when next he struck it. It was a near ruin, yet it still should have held a bit longer. “My Lord Prince, the door! ‘Tis no longer barred to us!”
Pwymarru and Tenados were standing next to each other at the foot of the temple’s portico. Other pirates were gathered behind them, impatiently waiting for the barrier between them and the choice booty within to be gone.
“Mayhaps they have decided to be practical about this after all,” the Leopard commented.
“Mayhaps,” Pwymarru grunted. He sprang onto the porch, those there making way for him. He stepped up to the door and kicked it. It swung open. His feline eyes quickly adjusted to the dimmer light within. He grinned at the sight of the pretty girls inside. They were dressed only in their undergarments and jewelry except for one in nothing at all. His grin grew wider seeing the two girls in front, just inside the door.
He pointed at one of them. “You, come here.” He spoke in Luwannan, a language used far and wide in trade and diplomacy. Any member of the upper class knew it, as did a number of the lower classes.
The girls gave each other a quick squeeze of their hands, then let go. With slow yet steady step, the Gazelle approached him. When she was close enough he grabbed her by the arm and drew her outside. He could feel her tremble at the sight of the kneeling, roped together girls in the courtyard.
“This is sacrilege,” Tamaris said in a voice that quavered only slightly.
“We don’t worship Shematti in Eshkar. Besides, if she were so set against your being slaves, she’d have stopped us before now.”
There was something about his face and voice. Tamaris stared at him. “You!” she exclaimed. “This is a fine way to repay the hospitality you were shown!”
Last year a delegation from a distant land had come to her father’s palace, seeking trade and a treaty. In the weeks they had been here, she had seen their young Lion prince from time to time and had spoken to him on occasion. It was the same Lion who held her arm tightly now!
“We brought gifts that paid for the hospitality of which you speak. However, we never concluded a treaty. Your father’s terms were too one-sided and he boasted that Azurra had no need of friendship with Eshkar. If you’re not our friends, then we’re free to raid you.”
While she had never learned why negotiations had failed, it sounded like something her father would say. Azurra was not a great kingdom, yet he was too disdaining of other kingdoms he felt were less than his. He would be particularly disdainful of a distant land across the sea he had barely heard of and knew less of.
“Ransom!” she bleated. “My father will pay ransom!” He would, too. Pride would see to that. While she would be worthless for a diplomatic marriage, he would not want whispers that he’d been helpless to prevent pirates from carrying off a daughter.
“I didn’t come seeking ransom; I came seeking plunder and redress for insult.”

Pwymarru had no intention of discussing politics, insults and reprisals with her. While she had been a princess moments ago, now she was just another captive female, although more comely than most. To forestall any further talk, he seized the front of her tunic and with a savage jerk tore it down to her waist, leaving her upper body bare. The breasts disclosed lived up to the promise they had given beneath her clothes when he had seen her last year. If anything, they might have grown in that time. Larger than most, they were full and shapely, thrusting from her chest. Their ends were also larger than most with big pink circles and nipples. Despite the fact she was expecting it, her sudden, violent disrobing was worse than she had imagined. It put her into shock and Tamaris stood there unmoving and mute aside from a whimper. He tore her tunic a second time, from its hem all the way up to her girdle. Then he tore a strip off exposing her vulva and stared at it. He swung her around and tore her tunic again, uncovering her ass. Her tunic was reduced to mere scraps, held in place solely by the broad, decorated girdle around her waist. He put a hand on her ass and ran it across smooth slopes. Then it went between her legs from behind onto her vulva. She whimpered again.
Pwymarru was quite pleased with his pretty plunder. Her body was all that he had hoped it would be. “Your tits and ass are marvelous,” he growled softly into her ear. “Learn how to please me and I won’t have to beat you. Unless, of course, that is what pleases me at the time.”
He dragged her off the porch and forced her onto her knees on the ground. A grinning raider handed him a length of rope.
“You have your booty and now I’ll claim mine,” Tenados announced.
The Leopard entered the temple. The girl he sought was just inside as if waiting for him. Last year he had learned that the Fennec was the Gazelle’s closest friend. He felt it was only appropriate as his prince’s boon companion that he should claim the princess’s friend as his prize. She was shorter and more slender and her figure was average sized, rather than on the ample side. Nevertheless, she was a very pretty girl with a lovely face. He ripped one side of her tunic open, revealing a shapely, girlishly pointed mound. He stepped behind her. Her ass was sufficiently round for any sensible male. He grabbed her by her upper arms. He briefly pressed into her backside, rubbing against it. Lorasin felt the hard, bronze scales of his armor slide across her ass and trembled.
He force-marched her from the temple. Outside she turned and lifted her head to catch a glimpse of his face. Pwymarru was putting the finishing touches on binding the Gazelle. He had wrapped one end of the rope around her arms above her elbows over the gold spirals she wore on them. He held her by one ear now as he tugged on the rope, testing its tightness. She had her head twisted in order to stare up at him.
Both girls regarded their captors in a mixture of apprehension and dismay. Would they be kind or would they be cruel? Would they tire of them and sell them to another? Yet there was something else deep inside them, something they could scare acknowledge, even to themselves. There was something thrilling about being tied up and carried off by strong, handsome warriors. There was also a thrill in the knowledge that they would have to serve the pleasures of those same warriors. They could not help but be curious as to what it was like to be mounted by a male and had asked the slave girls in their households about it. Now they would discover it for themselves.
As if Tenados’s emergence were some kind of signal, pirates whooped and charged into the temple. Screams came from within and soon pirates were appearing with captured girls in their hands.
Lorasin had been bound the same as Tamaris and the girls that had proceeded them in captivity. She knelt a few feet from her friend, facing her. They stared at each other, but neither had anything to say to the other. Then, too, their captors would probably be annoyed if they did speak.
It went quickly after that. The remaining girls were all tied and added to the coffle. The Gazelle was placed in front, the rope from her arms running back to be tied around the neck of the Fennec immediately behind her. When all the girls had been seen to, pirates descended upon the huddle of the temple’s females and their children. If there had been room in their ships, all but the oldest females would be taken. There was yet room for new-made widows who were under middle age. Weeping mothers were taken from shrieking children, who were handed to older females with a harsh injunction to shut them up. The mothers cried, but they did not resist. Should they do so, they knew the raiders were perfectly capable of slaughtering their children, then telling them now they had no reason to remain in their homeland. If they cooperated, there was always the hope their children would be spared. Their outer and sometimes inner garments as well were stripped from them before they were bound and added to the coffle.
That part of the donkeys’ burdens of little value to raiders was dumped and replaced by valuables looted from the temple and the surrounding buildings. The bodies of the slain guards had been plundered, mostly of their weapons and armor of bronze. One of his crew returned Pwymarru’s dropped bow and remaining arrows to him. The handful of pirates slain or too injured to walk were put on donkeys already greatly burdened and they were ready to depart, except for one final thing.
“What about them, Pwymarru?” Tenados inquired, gesturing towards the terrified huddle of remaining females and children. Most raiders would cut their throats without a thought.
“Put them in a building that can be secured and lock them up so they can’t run and raise the alarm.” By the same token they would not fire the buildings. Billows of smoke rising into the air would alert the city to trouble at the temple. “Perhaps some day the gods will reward us for our mercy
The Lion addressed the string of kneeling captives. “Heed my words and obey or you’ll be punished! You will not speak to one another now nor will you speak any time you are bound, either as individuals or a group. You will address us as ‘Master’ for you are slaves and we are your masters. Anyone who delays us on the return to our ships will be dealt with harshly. On your feet! Get them up!” A blow from a pirate hurried any girl slow to rise.
He swatted the Gazelle hard across her shapely ass, the sound echoing in the courtyard. “Get going!” She gave a cry and stumbled forward. More swats got the line moving. The pirates set a fast pace back to their ships, driving the girls and donkeys onwards. When a girl faltered, a spear or javelin shaft laid across her rear got her to pick up the pace. The makeshift switches were used often, not always at need. Donkeys were also switched at need. The raiders were anxious to get away. While the temple wasn’t close to the city, neither was it far distant. Discovery and pursuit were unlikely, yet always possible. The greater reason for their haste was that they were eager to reach safety where they could enjoy their luscious loot.
Matters went well until they were about an hour from the cove and their hidden ships. A girl cried out in pain, stumbled and fell, bringing the long line of roped together captives to a sudden stop. Tamaris had felt a hard jerk on the rope binding her arms. She stopped and looked behind her to discover Lorasin half sitting and half sprawled on the ground. A pirate made ready to strike her with the butt end of his javelin. Lion and Leopard were there from their place at the head of the column before he could and he stayed his blow.
“My ankle, I’ve twisted it,” she whimpered in obvious pain.
“Get her on her feet,” Pwymarru ordered.
Tenados hauled her up, only to have her cry out in pain once more. She’d have fallen if he hadn’t been supporting her.
“She’s not lying, Pwymarru. She can’t walk.”
“She can’t ride on one of the donkeys; they’re already bearing as much as they can carry.”
Tamaris was horrified. She knew the pirates would not just leave her friend behind, lest others of their captives also twist their ankles in order to escape. Raiders cut the throats of those who couldn’t keep up.
“I’m not losing my choicest bit of booty,” the Leopard said. “I’ll carry her. She’s not that heavy and I’m strong.”
Pwymarru nodded. “Get her out of the coffle. And give her a beating to make sure no one else twists her ankle.”
In less than a minute the Fennec was out of the line, her place taken by the girl who had been behind her. The Leopard made her kneel and stood over her, the rope binding her arms in his hands.
“Bend over and place your head on the ground,” he ordered.
She bent over and rested one cheek on the ground. He placed a sandaled foot on her neck to hold her in place. Reaching down, with a sudden rip he tore open the back of her tunic from neck to hem baring her back and ass. He grabbed her long, bushy tail and lifted it out of the way. Raising the free end of the rope, he brought it sharply down across her upraised rear. She cried out at the pain and jerked. He struck her again, harder, and the sound of the rope smacking her ass sounded in the air as did another scream.
After the initial blows, Pwymarru ordered, “Get them moving! I want us to be at the ships before the hour is out! Don’t take too long, Tenados. I’ll expect you to catch up to me before long.”
He paused in the beating of his booty. “I will, Pwymarru.”
He resumed beating her. Most of the passing females were appalled and frightened by the sight. Suli was more philosophical. At least the Fennec would live. These same wellborn girls so appalled now had no doubt beaten slave girls themselves on occasion and had enjoyed doing so. Whipping one on her ass was considered as much a rough form of amusement as a mild punishment. Real punishment was far worse. Well, they’d be on the receiving end now and would find out how much fun that was. Laughing pirates as they passed urged the Leopard to give her a good one. The column left them behind.
Tenados enjoyed the way her ass jerked and shook as he beat it. He imagined it writhing the same way as he mounted her and thrust into her cunt or into her rectum. His cock stiffened. Despite his enjoyment, he only gave her a score. She hadn’t done anything wrong, merely been unfortunate. The beating was meant as an object lesson to the other girls. The lesson was clear by then. No one else would want to twist her ankle or otherwise delay the pirates.
He removed his foot from her neck and let go of the rope. Squatting, he set her up on her knees. There were tears in her eyes and the fur on her cheeks was damp. He brushed her cheeks, wiping at the tears. There wasn’t much sense in leaving her the scraps of what was left of her clothing. He pulled them from her, leaving her naked apart from her girdle and jewelry, which hid nothing of interest.
“Sit down,” he ordered.
Lorasin did so, gasping as her weight rested on her abused rear. She feared what he might plan next. To her surprise he tore a long strip from the remnants of her tunic and wrapped it snugly around her ankle, bandaging it. It helped ease the pain.
Her cunt was plain before him. He could see its lips and the pink slit between them and smell the heady aroma of girl. Tenados was sorely tempted to tumble her onto her back and mount her then and there. A quick fucking would satisfy him. He wouldn’t even have to remove his armor. However, Pwymarru had forbidden any to take a girl until they were safely away. More than one raiding party had been caught and killed because they had stopped to enjoy their captives too soon. It wouldn’t do for his second-in-command and comrade to disobey him.
He suddenly grabbed her around her narrow waist. Standing, he drew her up to a startled, “Oh!” Lifting her higher, he threw her across his shoulder. Her upper body hung down his back while her legs hung down his front. A hand around the back of her knees held her in place as he set off at a rapid pace to catch up to his comrade at the head of the column. Her position placed her ass next to his head. Unable to resist and not having a reason to, his free hand caressed the soft curves he had so recently punished. Her fur was nice and soft. In between caresses he gave her rear a few pats.
Lorasin knew he had probably saved her life by pledging to carry her. For that she would always be grateful. Nor had the beating been near as bad as it could have been—there had been times she’d given her maid a worse one. It had hurt and her ass was sore and would remain so for a day or two. At the same time, she had found herself strangely excited by it. The rope had been like fire upon her buttocks. Some of that heat had spread from there to her sex, making her just a little damp. She understood now what her maid meant when she’d said a whipping wasn’t all bad, provided it wasn’t a severe one. His hand on her sore ass added to the ache and at the same time felt good. There was still more. As he strode along the bronze scales of his armor were shifting slightly, rubbing her breasts and especially her nipples. The metal was hard, but the sun had warmed it. Her nipples were somewhere between uncomfortable and pleasantly stimulated. All in all, she found she did not mind being over his shoulder.
“About time,” Pwymarru grunted when his comrade marched once more at his side. “I thought maybe you were taking the time to mount her now.”
“That’s not a bad idea.”
The girl over his shoulder thought it wasn’t so bad, either. She knew it was inevitable that he would mount her and soon. The way she felt, it might as well be now.
“Save it. You can fuck her all night long if you want. Right now, we must get to the ships and away from here.”
More than one pair of ears was disappointed by his words.
* * *
As they drew near the cove, Pwymarru was pleased to see several figures emerge from their hiding places and signal them. Of course, there had never been any doubt that the Aurochs would post sentries. He had learned some of his lessons in war from the old soldier. Still, as commander of this expedition it was his responsibility to oversee his subordinates, even the ones more experienced than he.
Down on the beach there were some surprises waiting for him. A naked Donkey girl with gray fur, black hair and brown eyes sat on a rock, her arms tied behind her. Her figure was average, which was fine enough, but her long face could only be called plain. The bodies of several males lay in the sand off to one side. None of them were from Osric’s crew. He could hear sheep bleating in fear from inside the ships. The fresh meat they represented would be welcome. They halted their line of captives and made them kneel on the sand. The girls were happy for the opportunity to rest at last.
“The spring was where you said it would be, Prince,” Osric reported. “The water casks are all filled. We encountered some of the inhabitants and made sure that they could not raise an alarm. The encounters weren’t entirely without their profit. I picked up a parcel of plunder to return home with.”
“So I see. As a ship’s captain, you’re entitled to a prettier girl. We took a plump Cow with huge tits, if you’d like her instead.”
The Bull laughed, “ ‘Tis easy to see that you’re not married, Prince! My wife would make my life miserable should I bring home a girl I could get children on. She’d fear that her own children might have to share their inheritance. And she might get wildly jealous if I brought home one that was pretty as well as young. She’ll be happy to get the extra hands this girl can provide and won’t get too jealous when I mount her.”
“Have it your way—you know your wife better than I do. How many females did we get, Tenados?”
“With the one Osric gained, we have fourteen for his ship and mine and fifteen for yours. The great majority are prime girls. As prince and leader, you’re entitled to take a second one for yourself.”
“Choose me, Master!” a girl called from the line kneeling in the sand nearby.
Pwymarru looked over there. The girl who had called was a plump Hare with ginger fur, blonde hair and brown eyes. Her breasts were larger than the Gazelle’s. He remembered her from last year when she had served as naked as she was now at a number of feasts. She hadn’t been one of the girls he had been given for his bed, though. He walked over to her. She gave him a bold smile and pushed her breasts out at him. He reached down to grasp one of her mounds. The fur covering it was incredibly soft. She pushed her tit into his hand.
“Aye, she’ll do for the second.”
“Thank you, Master, you won’t regret it. I know well how to please a male and enjoy doing so.”
“I’m sure you do. Just as I’m sure you know the penalty should you fail to do so.”
“Aye, Master.” Suli was happy with the arrangement. It was better to be a slave in a palace than anywhere else and to be a personal slave to a member of the royal family was best of all. The Lion was quite handsome and she’d heard from the slave girls who had shared his bed last year that he was very virile, skilled and sufficiently attentive to his partner’s needs that she almost always orgasmed, too. She could have done far worse.
He released her breast and shouted, “Now let’s get the ships loaded!”
The captives were left kneeling in the sand as the donkeys were unloaded, their burdens transferred to the waiting ships. Gold, much silver, lapis lazuli, jade, carnelian, ivory and other precious materials were stowed in water-proofed leather sacks that were placed down inside the black hulls. Jewelry was stripped from their captives and added, though Tamaris was left the gold inlaid in her horns and the gold spirals on her arms covered by rope. The girls’ skirts and vests and rolls of cloth from the temple’s storerooms were stuffed into other sacks and loaded. It took considerable time and labor to produce a single length. Flax had to be retted, the fibers striped and spun into thread and then woven into cloth, all done by hand. Consequently, cloth was valuable. Sewn, embroidered and dyed clothing such as their captives had worn was expensive and wasn’t the least part of the plunder the pirates had gained. Incense for burning on alters and scented oils for temple lamps found their places. Foodstuffs to replenish their supplies were loaded aboard. Particularly welcome were the large ceramic jars of beer and the smaller ones of wine. No longer of any use, the donkeys were let free.
When their turn came the captives were given long drinks of water first. They were thankful for the refreshment; it was the first they had been given since their capture. As each female was removed from the coffle, she was made to lie on her belly. The free end of the rope binding her arms was wrapped once around her legs just above the knees and tied. Then she was carried over and loaded into the ship, placed between a pair of rowing benches. Left on deck thus, she would get plenty of air and could be easily attended to. Her legs were doubled up and her ankles crossed and tied with what remained of the rope. Some were turned onto one side and some onto their bellies. All of them were helpless and unable to move.
Pwymarru and Tenados each personally carried their girls over to their ships. They handed them to a crewmember, boarded and reclaimed their prizes, setting them down on the small stern deck. They finished binding their legs.
When all the captives had been loaded, the pirates pushed their ships into the sea until the vessels floated free. Clambering aboard, they sought their places. The common warriors took up the oars, those finding a choice parcel of plunder at their feet grinning. A pair sat on the forepart of the stern deck and took hold of the twin steering oars. On each ship the half-dozen noble warriors congregated on the foredeck where they would not interfere with the rowing. Not for them the drudgery of the oars, save at direst need!
Pwymarru took station on the stern deck. Beside him stood a middle-aged Otter, an experienced shipmaster who had charge of the actual handling of the vessel. At his feet lay his newly acquired slave girls. The Otter thumped the deck rhythmically with the butt of a spear. The starboard steersman took up the rhythm with a chant and those on the oars bent their backs to their task. Satisfied they had the stroke, the Otter ceased his thumping while the steersman continued setting the rhythm. The oars rose and fell and pulled through the water in time, the crews of the other ships copying them. The raiders had been ashore less than a day.
A number of the females set up a wailing and loud sobbing as they were irrevocably carried from their native land. The pirate sitting above each cursed and kicked her, ordering her to cease. More kicks followed if she didn’t until she did. Quieter weeping was ignored.
The pirates left the cove behind and entered the open sea, their vessels rocking in the swells. Their luck held and the wind blew fair for them. The more experienced sailors amongst the crews shipped their oars and set the sails, trimming them to the shipmasters’ liking. They returned to their oars, readily taking up the arduous labor once more. All were eager to reach the goal they could see before them, a tiny island low on the horizon out at sea. It was there that they would begin enjoying the plunder they had gained.
The Otter nodded his satisfaction with the world in general. “A most successful raid, my Prince, and now a fair wind to fill our sails and speed us on our way. The gods have favored us with their blessing and the goddesses have no objection to our taking females captive. Much honor and glory will come to you from this, along with rich plunder and beautiful slaves gained!”
“My thanks for your words, Ganth. However, the honor and glory must be shared the same as the booty. Everyone did his part in our enterprise and you were not least among them. We could not even have gotten here without you to pilot us.”
Few Eshkaran ships had sailed to these shores previously, they trading mostly in lands on other shores. The otter was one of the handful of their sailors with knowledge of these lands and the waters off them. He had also been pilot for the failed diplomatic mission last year.
“True, but it was you who conceived and planned the raid and led us on it. The honor and glory belong to you foremost.”
The stern deck was constricted and Tamaris and Suli lay touching along part of their lengths. Lying bound at her captor’s feet made the Gazelle feel weak and helpless. To know that she was now his property, his slave, destined to serve him and his pleasure filled her with apprehension. It was also in its way exciting. Confused by the unexpected emotion, she occasionally stole glances up at his face. He was quite handsome, fair of face and strong of body. She could not help but wonder what it would be like to be mounted by him. Add that to her feelings of helplessness and strange excitement and she discovered captivity was less awful than she had imagined it would be.
Suli was much less apprehensive. A slave she’d been and a slave she remained, merely changing owners. She did worry a little that the Lion might prove a monster, taking pleasure in cruelly abusing his slave girls. He had only been reasonably rough at times with the girls he’d had in his bed last year, but they had not been his property. Good manners required a guest not to do real harm to a slave girl. He could do as he liked with his own.
The rocking of the ships proved too unsettling for most of the females, none of whom had been to sea before. As they became sick, a warrior or two would leave off rowing to grab them and hold them with their heads over the side. There’d be laughter and jokes as each vomited into the sea. The laughter was especially hearty from those warriors who had done the same at the start of their voyage. The fresh air they got lying between the benches prevented their seasickness from being as severe as it could have been. With difficulty Tamaris managed to hold her stomach contents down. Suli, however, had to have her head held over the railing.
Halfway to their goal, Pwymarru called a halt to rest the rowers. Wine at full strength was distributed and gladly received—rowing was hard and thirsty work. Wine was also given to the captives and a number of them had their fears calmed somewhat by the kindness and their queasy stomachs settled. The prince personally lifted the heads of his girls in order for them to drink from the cup he held to their lips. The brief rest over, the pirate crews resumed rowing.