Update History
This section is for those of you who occasionally miss an update (shame!). Here you'll find an archive of update announcements in chronological order.
24 January 2010
UPDATE -- New pic by New Artist Vonnart! In The Others gallery! -- UPDATE!
New Art, and Anthrocon 2009!
Had a wonderful time, you should'a been there!
For today's quickie update, I have new art up by Matt McAndrews, one patient artist!
Thanks to Anthrocon, I welcome new BondoFox artist Shawntae Howard in the Single's Gallery! For you Extinctioners fans, you may now drool over the nice, tight, binding and gagging of Artica!
So you're back now. Good, I missed you.
Now I can also tell you about the updates from Max Blackrabbit and Eric Schwartz! Both have done their versions of a cartoon I drew on FurAffinity and deviantArt featuring Sabrina, Amy the Squirrel, and Zig Zag. Eric's is in the Single's Gallery, and Max's is in his gallery.
In the next update, new artists on the website!
Newest Artists!
New Art!
15 June 2009
New Art, as Promised!
There are a few I've been meaning to upload, and I'm finally getting them up! A little at a time, I want to give you an excuse to keep coming back more than once a week ... at least for a while 8)
Matt McAndrew's tribute to the late great Bettie Page has been moved to his gallery. And Hypercat's Easter pic has been moved to his, pending more art to get the Easter Gallery running!
Welcome new BondoFox 1-shot (I'm going to say I'm pretty sure about that) artist "Doc" Nickel from the very popular webcomic The Whiteboard fulfilling a request of mine concerning one of the more recent female characters 8)
Also I have new art in my gallery, and hopefully you'll see where I've made some serious strides to improve my work! Hopefully, as it's not displaying at this moment for some strange reason.
But one of my works-in-progress sketches of Cheri Skunk in bondage is in the Mascots Gallery, along with the pic of Lorelei of BedroomBondage.Com fame which inspired it. The reference pic is included with Lorelei's kind permission (she's a furry, guys!!)
I've been putting a lot of effort into The BondoFox Bondage Experience, it's past time more effort came to the original BondoFox website, too. Art and new artists really are here, waiting to be shown off. Keep coming back as I strike the balance between the two sites, and present a little something for everybody!
I'm back from my sabbatical! And feeling much better now, thank you! So look out, I'm updating as we speak!
You'll be seeing the promised new artists on the website! Pawing off will never have been so much fun!
...I mean, if you do that sort of thing. I don't. No, really. Have I ever lied to you? Don't answer that.
12 April 2009
Special Announcement
Easter weekend came and went, and included a homepage tribute pic by Hypercat! You may see it in his gallery.
I'm back from my sabbatical! And feeling much better now, thank you! So look out, I'm updating as we speak!
You'll be seeing the promised new artists on the website! Pawing off will never have been so much fun!
... I mean, if you do that sort of thing. I don't. No, really. Have I ever lied to you? Don't answer that ...
December 2008
Special Announcement
As you all know by now, we lost the one, the only, Bettie Mae Page shortly before Christmas. Our own Matt McAndrews made a fitting furry tribute to her with lived on the homepage until April. You may still see it in Matt's gallery.
November 2008
Special Announcement
Galleries with New Art
Welcome to the Post-Thanksgiving/Pre-Christmas Season!
Folks, it's been a busy and crazy-busy happy/sad several months. THANK YOU ALL for hanging in there and waiting patiently!! And welcome to the new BondoFox update!
Actually, as you're reading this, I am in the middle of the update! What I'm announcing here will be changing fast , so come on back!
Vikki, THANKS! for coming back and fixing the Firefox 3 problem with the galleries!
(Gawd, I love her!)
What's new today? Funny you should ask: I have new art by Matt McAndrews (Matt, get in touch with me!!), Mapper, Kyrin, Hypercat Z, and Saba!
What's been keeping BondoFox so busy?
I, BondoFox, your charming and gracious host, has a real-live-girl-in-bondage website now, Dereks Corner. It's cheap, it's good, there's content a-plenty, rush on over and lemme know what you think — yes, it will become furry, too!
Newest Artists!
- Links to galleries containing new art
New Art!
New Stories
- Links to new stories
Newest Stories!
- Nathan Cowen, author of the powerful FireFox series, is at it again, taking us into the mind of yet another member of Dynotaku's chimera covert ops team, Fox Force. Chapters seven, eight, nine, and ten have just been added. Click here to start at the beginning of TechnoFox.
29 March 2008
Special Announcement
The fox is back!!
As some of you may have heard, I was rushed to the hospital last January where I spent a glorious few days having my blood supply refilled and being unable to relax or sleep with the loud alive-and-dying guy in the next bed. Vikki Vixen, as you also may have noticed, had dropped in unannounced and snuck in an update -- Vikki, I love you!!! THANK YOU for covering!!
And finally, finally, I'm back and revved up, and got a "quickie" update for everyone before March snuck away from us!
Art from Matt McAndrews (for whom I believe I have a LOT more to post!), Caroo, Zac Dalton, Hypercat, Mr. Catnap, and Max Blackrabbit!
You artists have been great bearing with me, and you in The Teeming Millions have been terrific!! THANK YOU!
I have new artists waiting in the wings. I need to touch base with Vikki and they'll be up -- hold onto your socks if you wear socks, you're gonna be impressed!29 February 2008
Special Announcement
A mysterious vixen blows on the embers...

No, BondoFox isn't back yet, but while we wait for him to return, I thought I would post some of the excellent artwork and stories that have been drifting into my inbox over the past several months.
S. M. Wolf has been kind enough to send me over a dozen new pieces along with vivid descriptions that sadly can't be displayed in the galleries. As the prolific author behind a great deal of Troubles' Tales fan-fiction, you should check out S. M. Wolf's personal website on FurNation for more.
Nathan Cowen is another who has kindly granted permission for me to post the latest chapters to his TechnoFox series.
What's been keeping BondoFox so busy?
I, BondoFox, your charming and gracious host, has a real-live-girl-in-bondage website now, Dereks Corner. It's cheap, it's good, there's content a-plenty, rush on over and lemme know what you think — yes, it will become furry, too!
Short Story Contest!
Cancelled due to lack of entries.
Newest Artists!
New Art!
7 October 2007
Special Announcement
It is with great sorrow that I must bring you the news of the passing of one of BondoFox's more popular artists, Big Daddy Cruel. He passed away on Friday, October 19th from an infection in his heart.
" ... and a flight of angels sing thee to thy rest."
Sorry to keep everybody waiting, there's a lot of things afoot!
I, BondoFox, your charming and gracious host, has a real-live-girl-in-bondage website now, Dereks Corner. It's cheap, it's good, there's content a-plenty, rush on over and lemme know what you think — yes, it will become furry, too!
I'll be updating all this week. First up, Iron Badger and Caroo! There's also a new piece in the Trouble's Tales gallery, but for some reason it isn't appearing. I'm working on that.
Still plenty of time to enter our short-story contest! Vikki?
*taking out her gag for the moment*
Short Story Contest!
BondoFox is putting out a call for short stories based on BondoFox artwork. Stories should be between 4,000 and 7,000 words (around 5 - 7 pages) in length and describe a scene depicted by at least one image by a BondoFox artist. Right now, permission has only been granted by BondoFox, Mapper, Tremaine, Tufba, Zac Dalton and myself to use our artwork for this purpose. If other BondoFox artists are amenable, they can e-mail (or 'note' me at AfterDark) with their permission as well.
The contest technically began August 1st 2007, but we haven't received a single entry. Stories will be accepted instead until the end of the year. If we receive any submissions by then, they will be voted on by the denizens of AfterDark for a period of two weeks. The three highest ranked stories will then be judged by BondoFox and myself. The winner's story will receive special recognition in the library and the grand prize — a colored drawing (subject of the winner's choosing) by a BondoFox artist yet to be announced. Unless requested otherwise by the authors, the remaining stories will also be added to the BondoFox library. Dates are always subject to change.
Newest Artists!
New Art!
Newest Stories!
- Nathan Cowen, author of the powerful FireFox series, is at it again, taking us into the mind of yet another member of Dynotaku's chimera covert ops team, Fox Force. Chapters four, five, and six have just been added. Click here to start at the beginning of TechnoFox.
1 August 2007
Ladies and gentlemen, Dominants and Dominettes, kittens and whatever we call any male subs, I'm BondoFox and I'm back at the helm!
I know you've all been wondering where the updates have been, and I have to apologize and tell you that some things have taken place behind the scenes that slowed things down considerably. Yes, I've been working on my new business startup, but the big news as far as the website is concerned is sad news indeed. It is with a heavy heart that we bid a "See you soon" to Vikki Rubbervixen, the webslave of the BondoFox Experience.
Vikki's not gone, just no longer putting in the massive amount of hours on the website. She was responsible for the complete redesign and upgrade from "BondoFox" to "BondoFox: Advanced", the coding and the tweaking, the endless hours making sure everything ran right and ran fast, and making sure you got your updates on time while I went on the prowl for new talent. And also sadly, turned down my proposal of marriage, even with a proffered gift of a roll of duct tape with a big silver-white bow atop.
Vikki has gone pro, she's doing what she did for BondoFox for real clients and real money. And I know we ALL join in and wish her well, and demand she not be a stranger!
Yep Vikki, we all love you!
Now, the moment you've all been waiting for: The Update!
This is a partial, I have a lot of artists pending and even more stuff I've been sitting on that's coming out into the open finally! And I'm welcoming three new artists to the BondoFox Dysfunctional Family, one of whom you all know and love who's been on the web for a lot longer than I have.
Welcome to the fold, premiering in the Single Contributors Gallery: Gingerkitten, Mocha Mephooki, and Eric W. Schwartz! Micah Fennec's there too, breaking away from drawing males in bondage to feature one sexy vixen bound for your pleasure. Plus, Terri Smith's "Good Sport" which premiered last year has been moved into the Singles Gallery as well and is posted with her permission, as is all art that appears on BondoFox.
And new art by BondoFox veteran artists Max Blackrabbit, Dynotaku, and Tremaine!
There's more waiting, and with luck I'll have it up by August...or maybe I'll just tease you along until then. One thing is for sure: you DON'T want to miss any of it!
Message from Vikki
Thank you for the kind send-off, BondoFox. I know we're back in good hands now. I'm sad that I've had to scale back my involvement, but my department was outsourced and I've been forced to concentrate on paying projects.
Before I go, however, I'd like to announce a contest proposed in the AfterDark Forum before the last major update.
Short Story Contest!
BondoFox is putting out a call for short stories based on BondoFox artwork. Stories should be between 4,000 and 7,000 words (around 5 - 7 pages) in length and describe a scene depicted by at least one image by a BondoFox artist. Right now, permission has only been granted by BondoFox, Mapper, Tremaine, Tufba and myself to use our artwork for this purpose. If other BondoFox artists are amenable, they can e-mail (or 'note' me at AfterDark) with their permission as well.
The contest will begin August 1st 2007. Stories will be accepted thereafter for a period of one month. The stories will be voted on by the denizens of AfterDark for a period of one week. The three highest ranked stories will then be judged by BondoFox and myself. The winner's story will receive special recognition in the library and the grand prize — a colored drawing (subject of the winner's choosing) by long-time BondoFox artist, Big Daddy Cruel. Unless requested otherwise by the authors, the remaining stories will also be added to the BondoFox library. Dates are subject to change.
Newest Artists!
New Art!
Newest Stories!
- A continuation of Captain Saicin's The Orb, was recently submitted by Nyghtwulf, our newest author to join the BondoFox library. Check out The Orb 2!
- Nathan Cowen, author of the powerful FireFox series, is at it again, taking us into the mind of yet another member of Dynotaku's chimera covert ops team, Fox Force. Click here to read the first chapters of TechnoFox.
23 May 2007
Special Announcement
Hello friends, Vikki here. Despite what my local weather indicates, Spring has sprung. And with it comes another update. We didn't have enough material to have a really good update in March, but that means we have a really excellent one for April.
BondoFox has been welcoming a lot of awesome artists recently (and I see no reason to disrupt such a fortunate trend)! And so, please join me in welcoming a favorite artist of mine from Fur Affinity, K'Sharra!
In other news, we have another short comic by Matt McAndrews, entitled The Package from Heck. Also, in the spirit of the season, we have a really 'sweet' piece by Hypercat that displays the shocking truth behind the production of chocolate bunnies.
Newest Artists!
New Art!
Newest Stories!
27 February 2007
Special Announcement
Well, the update is happening later than I had hoped.
My first attempt was thwarted by a winter storm that knocked out my electricity, heat, and phone for nearly three days. My second attempt was thwarted for a much better reason: BondoFox brought on several new artists! Ah, but third time's the charm — and though it took me awhile to build their galleries, they are finally open. Please join us in welcoming Mr. Catnap, Mapper, Ms. Kitty, and Predestine-Kyou!
Newest Artists!
New Art!
30 January 2007
Special Announcement
Hello again, everyone! It's time to get the new year started at BondoFox.
Watch out for a real update in early February, but for now observe that BondoFox artist Bob Hershey finally has his "Falina in Bondage" compilation CD available to order. I have been told that he'll have copies with him at Further Confusion, but if you're not going, you can e-mail your order to him at .
The Falena in Bondage CD contains works contributed by dozens of artists including Szero Alaris, Tyger McCoy, Micah Fennec, Taurin Fox, Hypercat, Kritter, and many more.
Newest Artists!
- Darcy (Gallery Pending)
- Revenfox
- Sablesword
- S'Zero Alaris
New Art!
Newest Stories!
20 December 2006
Special Announcement
I'm ready for a nice winter break, but before I go, our contributors have plenty of holiday cheer to spread around! As hoped, our annual call for Christmas-time artwork was answered with vigor. To remind you, this year's themes (open to broad, but naughty interpretation) were:
- Do Not Open!
- Hung by the Chimney with Care
- The Festival of Lights
- Decorations
- Milk n' Cookies
- Giftwrap, ribbon, and something special just for me!
You can find our artists' take on these themes here, in the holiday gallery. It is also here that we present our newest BondoFox artist, Darcy. Please welcome Darcy to the dysfunctional BondoFox family!
But wait! There's more - we've also got new art by Matt McAndrews, Sablesword, and S. M. Wolf!
Aside from five works in his regular gallery, Matt McAndrews has actually contributed three mini-comic stories: The Thief, The Lair, and Your Lesson for Today (available via links above the thumbnail viewer).
I also received something of an early present from S. M. Wolf. After commenting on a particularly hot caption included with a recent work, S. M. Wolf constructed a handful of images to match.
New Stories!
We have been generously permitted to present yet another sexy tale by BondoFox writer, Captain Saicin. More of his stories can be found in the library.
If you like his work, visit his FurAffinity page and drop him a note or leave a shout-out. I encourage you to do the same for the rest of our fantastic BondoFox authors by visiting the AfterDark forum or using whatever other methods of contact they choose to provide for feedback. Let them know what you enjoy about their work!
Newest Artists!
- Darcy (Gallery Pending)
- Revenfox
- Sablesword
- S'Zero Alaris
New Art!
As a final gift from us to you, we've been given special permission to post a lovely pencil sketch of a vixen in bondage by the well-known furry artist, Terrie Smith. Thanks for being such a great sport!
30 November 2006
Special Announcement
Hey everyone! It's time for the second-to-last update of 2006. Soon, everyone will be busy with family and shopping and we at BondoFox will be no exception, but we think the site should finish the year in style. We would like to extend our traditional call for Christmas-time artwork. This year's themes (open to broad, but naughty interpretation) are:
- Do Not Open!
- Hung by the Chimney with Care
- The Festival of Lights
- Decorations
- Milk n' Cookies
- Giftwrap, ribbon, and something special just for me!
In other news, BondoFox has hit the trifecta with a third new artist in as many updates (the last one didn't really count). Following S'Zero Alaris and Sablesword, it gives us great pleasure to welcome Revenfox to the BondoFox family!
The holiday gallery is open again!
We've also got new art by Big Daddy Cruel, Dynotaku, and S. M. Wolf!
New Stories!
We have been gifted with three sexy tales by new BondoFox writer, Captain Saicin. If you like his work, visit his FurAffinity page and drop him a note or leave a shout-out. I encourage you to do the same for the rest of our fantastic BondoFox authors by visiting the AfterDark forum or using whatever other methods of contact they choose to provide for feedback. Let them know what you enjoy about their work!
New Artist!
New Art!
17 November 2006
Special Announcement
Hello again, everyone. No new art with this update, just a change of message. I've been really busy as of late. BondoFox will have a real update once I get back from a work conference.
12 September 2006
Special Announcement
Hello everyone. Sorry for the unintended intermission. We were having some server issues for awhile that prevented us from making our last update of the summer in August.
Fortunately, those issues were resolved and that extra time gave me the opportunity to upgrade the design of the site. In my opinion it looks and functions much better than the previous, but I guess I'll have to wait for your input to know for sure. Regardless, BondoFox and I think you all deserve a reward for your patience. So, not only do we have a flood of art for you this time, but we're adding a new artist to the BondoFox family! Please join us in welcoming S'Zero Alaris!
We've also got new art by Big Daddy Cruel, IronBadger, Matt McAndrews, and S. M. Wolf!
Oh, one more thing...I recommend that you adjust your bookmarks to point to this page (http://www.bondofox.net/home.html) only, because further changes are ahead for BondoFox Advanced and we'd hate for you to miss out.
New Art!
7 July 2006
Special Announcement
Welcome back, everyone. I hope all of you above the equator are enjoying the summer as best you can and staying cool. It's the time for conventions and I know BondoFox has been making the rounds. Some of you may have noticed we took a break over June. This was partly done as a gesture of respect for a personal loss suffered by our founder. Another reason was that my computer of 7 years finally died. I was able to salvage my hard drive, but most of my hardware was obsolete and irreplaceable. Long story short, I've got a new, er... MUCH less obsolete computer and a new OS to study and tweak.
And since I'm starting fresh in one area, I'm going to try to upgrade BF:ADV again. I'm setting a tentative date for sometime next summer. Among the things I wish to accomplish is a content management system that will allow artists to upload their work to a queue for BondoFox's approval, afterwhich they'll be automatically formatted and uploaded to their respective galleries.
We'll just have to see how it all goes. In other news: ART! Lots of it!
Galleries with New Art
Fan Art!
Check out the second in a continuing series entitled "BondoFox's Pet Shannon" by Big Daddy Cruel!
15 May 2006
Special Announcement
Goodness! Is it May already? Well, we've had ample time to build up some excellent artwork by Matt McAndrews and S. M. Wolf.
Galleries with New Art
2 April, 2006
Special Announcement
Hello everyone and welcome to the April update. Our community service announcement goes out to all you furs who live in areas observing Daylight Savings Time in the northern hemisphere: don't forget to set all your clocks ahead an hour.
In other news, for those of you that stopped by the site on April Fools' Day, I assure you that BondoFox Advanced is now back under the control of its rightful Master. *winks*
Galleries with New Art
Fan Art
Check out a nice, new piece of BondoFox fan art by Big Daddy Cruel!
15 March 2006
Special Announcement
Hello everyone and welcome to the March update. We've been pretty busy with the site lately, but our artists and writers have been pretty busy themselves. Happy to say, we've definitely more to share thanks to them.
Galleries with New Art
14 February 2006
Special Announcement
Well, I suppose both a Happy New Year and a Happy Valentines Day are in order. It's been awhile, but we recently received enough material to make a worthwhile update. We at BondoFox hope you're able to take full advantage of this holiday - where warming lube and fur-lined handcuffs go on sale and chocolate abounds.
Galleries with New Art
- In a new piece by Hypercat, two latex-coated bunnies get a little closer for Valentines' Day in the Mixed gallery.
- Six new lovely straitjacketed beauties appear in Big Daddy Cruel's gallery.
- We have two new works by S. M. Wolf
- A rare foxy treat just arrived in Sam Hempy's gallery!
- And finally, four very cute, bound and tied furs grace Tydrian's gallery.
21 December 2005
Special Announcement
Stay Tuned. More to come...
New Stories!
We have several new stories by Eisfuchs, including two new chapters of the popular "Just Good Friends" series and another standalone story entitled "Leigh's Secret".
Galleries with New Art
- In this piece by Big Daddy Cruel, Santa's flirty folf is wondering if you'd like to kiss her underneath the mistletoe in the Christmas Gallery.
- Even the best of us are sometimes driven mad by the holidays. To prevent this from becoming an inconvenience amongst his lovely beauties, Big Daddy Cruel has taken steps to have them restrained in appropriate attire.
- We have two new works by S. M. Wolf
- Finally, there are two more taped-up furs in Vikki's gallery. Honestly - I think that vixen has a serious fixation!
Galleries Restored!
Vikki's gift to you all: all the remaining galleries from the old BondoFox design are now officially restored!
- Amateur Gallery
- White, Black, and Blue Stories Gallery
- Males Gallery
- Mascot Gallery
- Mixed Gender/Couples Gallery
- Others Gallery
- Spanking Gallery
- Trouble's Tales
7 December 2005
Special Announcement
Hi, Vikki here. Another late night proved to be enough for me to finish work on something that's needed re-tooling since the new site design launched back in late September. The dedicated artist galleries are now fixed. As has been explained, the ones in place before were only temporary solutions for the purpose of getting something up that was functional. But now, instead of being a fixed width, the galleries should now adjust to fit the width of your window - making art easier to view. With any luck, the special theme galleries should all be up and running by the next update. Mad props go to helpful BondoFox viewer JadeKitten for some professional usability advice.
In other news, say hello to the Christmas gallery once again!
New Stories!
We have several new stories by Eisfuchs, including two new chapters of the popular "Just Good Friends" series and another standalone story entitle "Leigh's Secret".
Galleries with New Art
- In this piece by Big Daddy Cruel, Santa's flirty folf is wondering if you'd like to kiss her underneath the mistletoe in the Christmas Gallery.
- We have six gorgeous new pieces by Iron Badger
- We also have seven new works by S. M. Wolf
Site Reviews!
A BondoFox fan, 'Nubis, recently sent us a letter and kindly gave us permission to post it here. If you like, come see what he has to say about the site and his favorite writers and artists in our first official viewer testimonial.
15 November 2005
Special Announcement
It has been decided that BondoFox Advanced will be moving to a bi-weekly update schedule. Ideally, (and schedule-permitting) BondoFox will perform an update on or near the first weekend of each month and Vikki will perform another mid-way through each month. If we have a drought of new material to put up, we may skip one or the other update.
Speaking of new material, the winter holidays are fast approaching. With the X-mas gallery opening up by the first December update, it would be nice to have some new artwork (and stories) with which to wrap up 2005 and ring in the new year.
New Stories!
We at BondoFox are proud to introduce yet another fantastic furry author to our library. This update, Frozen Badger premiers with his story "Temple Raid!", based on a picture by his friend, the artist Iron Badger. I've been informed by a reliable source that further illustrations may appear in the future!
Until he gets his own email address, please welcome Frozen Badger to our family of writers by sending an email to Vikki or I telling him what you think of his story! We'll make sure he gets them.
Galleries with New Art
5 November 2005
Special Announcement
Iron Badger has announced yet another online auction! This one is offering an astonishing 100 PRINTS of genuine Iron Badger art, some never before seen! All the prints are colored. Most contain bondage, but some are nudes and some are clothed/haremgirl-themed art. To participate in the auction and view the details, CLICK HERE.
The four lovely pieces from the previous auction include a chair-bound and blindfolded vixen, a cute, squirmy little silver ferret-girl, an obedient vixen pet, and a well-hung stallion.
To view them for yourself, check them out here: http://www.FurEauction.com/profile_ironbadger.html
Art Restored!
- Three popular series by Dynotaku have just been restored to his personal gallery for your viewing pleasure. Stop by his gallery to enjoy "Honey Bunny", "Slave Sashi", and "Velveteen" again! Granted, they'll be easier to view when the final gallery design is put in place, but at least they're up.
New Artist
- Please welcome Zac Dalton to BondoFox!
Galleries with New Art
10 October 2005
Artist Directory
All 49 dedicated artist galleries are now up, including Iron Badger's, Pinewood's, and Polecat's. All that remains are the special interest galleries.
TWO NEW ARTISTS have joined BondoFox! Kindly welcome Caroo and Congolike!
Galleries with New Art
White, Black, and Blue Stories
- Nathan Cowen's web-novel "FireFox" is now available!
- Check out Stormkitty's submission "A Private Heaven".
20 September 2005, Launch of BondoFox Advanced!
Attention New Visitors
Greetings, and welcome to "BondoFox Advanced" — or for those of you hopelessly addicted to acronyms "BF:ADV". You may largely ignore the following and begin your exploration of the premier website dedicated to female furries in bondage and erotic peril.
Attention Veteran Visitors
Well, first of all, DON'T PANIC.
There now, that wasn't so hard, was it? Yes, the former site design has been retired (it was a wonderful party — cake, champaigne, speeches, presentation of the gold pocketwatch, the whole works). As expected, a young and ambitious site design has risen to take the former's place. It's a little flashier, a bit sleeker code-wise, and hopefully a lot faster, but all the yummy content is still here — plus a little extra. And yes, it's still free.
No doubt, this will be a transition that will take some time to get used to, but hopefully with your patience and understanding it'll be a smooth one.
Okay, let's talk about what's new (aside from the obvious changes to look and format):
The navigation menu to the left is always available and will allow you to go anywhere on the site with a single click on the appropriate button. In most browsers, if you hover over the link, a description of the page you'll be taken to will appear in a box just below the menu.
The Artist Directory still leads to the roster of hosted BondoFox artists and their individual galleries, and as an extra treat many BondoFox artists have generously filled out mini-profiles that offer some interesting personal trivia about their backgrounds, their art, and more! With new scrolling and thumbnail preview capabilities, the galleries themselves have been made easier to search as well.
Visit the Awards page and see all the shiny gold stars!
The new Fanart page contains gifts from well-known and beloved furry artists such as Jim Groat (West Corner of the Park), Bob Hershey, and El Maxx.
BondoFox genuinely appreciates all the artists whose work appears on the site and tries hard to promote both them and their own projects whenever he can. To this end, we now have the Artist Spotlight page. The basic idea is that every time the site is updated, a different BondoFox artist will be singled out for special recognition. This may take the shape of a short interview, links to their various online galleries, an advertisement for the artist's newest portfolio for sale on Furbid, or whatever. The specific details of this feature are still being ironed out (including the criteria for selection of the artist and the regularity of rotation).
Give Feedback! By all means, let us know what you think. If you like how we're doing something, please tell us! We'll try to do more of it. If you don't, tell us! How can we improve otherwise? I'm always open to help as well. Anyway, moving on...
The Tielines Forum, kindly hosted at PlanetFurry AfterDark, while not really a new attraction, is a popular hang-out for many BondoFox authors and artists. It's free to register and free to post.
BondoFox has taken every pain to keep this site entirely free for its visitors, update on a regular basis, and serve as a repository for furry bondage artwork and literature with only a few, unchanging restrictions. Combine that with selective submission standards and the fact galleries don't disappear on a whim, and its peers become few indeed. Bearing that in mind, it really hasn't been BondoFox's best year. In 2004, job cuts left him unemployed, then broke, then bankrupt, and now he has a house facing foreclosure. Like many in similar situations, he has a family to support. If you've enjoyed coming here, if you've appreciated the effort poured into it, I urge you to help out a very nice guy and his family by offering whatever token of gratuity you can spare in the Tip Jar. If that's not enough to sway you, I should inform you that a pretty little skunkette has been kit-napped and if you want to see her again, you'll have to Pay her Ransom at the following drop-off point.
It's often said that everyone's a critic, so why not capitalize on it and get some Site Reviews? See what other sources have to say about us, or what we have to say about them.
We've always wanted a place where we could express our gratitude to all the wonderful individuals and entities that make the BondoFox website happen - and keep it happening! Now we can at the Special Thanks page.
Instead of a random color march of text detailing what happened on previous updates, visiting the Update History page will show you a dated log of past update entries. This way, in case you get 'tied up' and forget to check up on us for a few months, you won't have to scour the entire site looking for what you missed.
Finally, and most importantly, isn't that faint background image just so neat?! That's the official BondoFox emblem, which remains as a holdover from the original website. BondoFox artist Iron Badger is resonsible for the emblem and the chain border around it was done by Cyberhorn!
Well, that's it from me this update. I shall now leave you in the hands of the indomitable BondoFox. With best wishes, and deepest apologies to the late Douglas Adams, please enjoy your stay.

Your Humble Servant,
Rubberclad Vixen,
Duct Tape Kung-Fu Artist,
and Amatuer Web Designer
The Rubbervixen Guarantee
If you are already a featured BondoFox artist or author and have submitted works in the past that have yet to appear, please send them to by e-mail. She'll try and get them up by the next update.
30 August 2005
This update is a sad one. Last week, we said "goodbye" to Molly Margay and Carbonated Beverage Girl, who for reasons of their own had asked to leave the dynfunctional BondoFox family.
Today, we say "goodbye" to Wolf Mage, furry sculpter extrodinaire. His gallery has been removed, hopefully one day to return along with CBG's and Molly's.
Please take a moment to drop them a note and wish them all well.
10 May 2005
StarVixen is now Molly Margay, and her character portfolio is still in need of some more artists and contributions so she can fill up the CD and release a new furry bondage portfolio out amongst the masses! If you'd like to contribute, email her here!
She also has new art up in her gallery, as does Iron Badger and Polecat.
Antonia T. Tiger has a new piece in the Singles Gallery.
Please welcome new artist El Kabuki to the BondoFox Dysfunctional Family, as he makes his debut with 2 pieces in the Singles Gallery, too!
And BondoFox is proud to announce a new contributing artist. This is a newer sketch made at my request, and I'm hoping to have him onboard with his own gallery soon.
Please welcome JAMES HARDIMAN to BondoFox!
03 April 2005
New art by StarVix, Richard Canheta, Tydrian, and Polecat.
Polecat starts his 4th page on BondoFox, which means he has over 150 individual pictures! THANKS, POLECAT!!!
Dave Hopkins has a couple of new publications based on his web comic, "Jack" for sale for less than a measly $5!